Journal of Human Development
Vol. 11 No. 1 (2020)
Accountability & Civil Society
2. Government Transparency and Freedom of Expression & Accountability Arab Region
3. Poverty and Health Issues in Nation
4. Human Development in Argentina
5. Government Efforts to reduce Poverty in Chile
6. Social Security : From rich to poor
7. Globalization from a Human Security Perspective
8. Links between Health and Human Development
9. Infectious Disease Threats: Implications for national and global security
10. Human Trafficking : An issue of human security
Vol. 10 No. 1 (2019)
1. Influence of Demographic Variables on Compensation Modeling
2. Leveraging employee engagement for competitive advantage
3. Role of human resource practices on employee retention in institutes of higher learning in Delhi-NCR
4. Purification and mass spectrometry-assisted sequencing of basic antifungal proteins from seeds of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima)
5. Relating emotional intelligence, quality of work life and job satisfaction: A study among corporate employees
Vol. 10 No. 2 (2019)
6. Job enrichment as determinant of employee engagement
7. A case study of mentoring at ONGC
8. Understanding the role of generational differences in psychological contract fulfillment and its impact on employees' cognitive responses
9. An inclusive workplace: A case study of Infosys
10. Training and development of employees of SMEs: A social capital perspective
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2018)
1. Impact of socialization measures on role orientation
2. Perceived organizational politics, organizational justice, cynicism and OCB: A demographic study of academicians
3. Bullying of female employees at workplace
4. Impact of Interpersonal Relations and Perceived Stress on Work-Life-Balance: A Qualitative Study
5. Cultural diversity in global workforce: Issues and challenges
Vol. 9 No. 2 (2018)
6. Determinants of career exit and professional re-entry of working women in India
7. Role of CSR in employer branding: Emerging paradigm
8. Managing change: A key to organizational development
9. Impact of working conditions on employee participation and employee growth
10. Recruitment and retention strategies in changing scenario
Vol. 8 No. 1 (2017)
1. Corporate social responsibility and employer branding: A case study of Indian information technology industry
2. Managing attrition in retail sector: A study of firm in Bangalore
3. Cross-Cultural Dimensions of Managing People: A Review of Literature
4. Employee satisfaction: Feeling the employees' pulse
5. Impact of emotional labour on employee well-being: A conceptual framework
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2017)
6. Organizational effectiveness: A function of work engagement and OCBs
7. Motivating employee from a different perspective: An experimental analysis on two selected manufacturing industries of west Bengal
8. Employee Motivation, Adjustment and Values as Correlates of Organizational Change
9. Innovation as a predicator of organizational sustainability in sports industry
10. Impact of Vipassana on Organizational Behaviour: A Buddhist Discourse
Vol. 7 No. 1 (2016)
1. Job satisfaction as mediator of association between role clarity and organisational citizenship behaviour
2. Understanding the nuances of work-life balance
3. Audit as a Tool for Improving HR Functions
4. Employees Satisfaction & Job Environment: A Case Analysis
5. Understanding Empowerment in Indian Context: Processes & Evaluation
Vol. 7 No. 2 (2016)
6. Impact of business ethics and CSR on augmenting social responsibilities: a study of select companies
7. Aligning HR Function and Business Goals: Indian Experiences
8. Understanding Organizational Behaviour
9. Unfolding employee engagement in India
10. Imperatives for Training of Academic Administrators in West Bengal
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2015)
1. Training and Development Practices in Co-Operative Banks
2. Impact of Training on Knowledge and Adoption Level of Improved Technology: A Study of Rural India
3. Human Resource Development Climate at Selected Units at Surat: Perception of Managerial Staff
4. Absenteeism in Industries: A Case study of FCI OEN Connectors Limited
5. Maternity Benefits Act 1961: Unfinished Agenda
Vol. 6 No. 2 (2015)
6. Infant Mortality Trends and Human Resources in India: A Review and Evaluation
7. Employees Job Preferences in F&B Industry
8. Organizational Development Intervention for Making Innovation and Change: A Study of Tuticorin Port Trust, Tamilnadu
9. Role of HR in Augmenting CSR Practices in Family-run Businesses in India
10. Evolution of Contract Labour Law in India: A Critique of Regulatory Objectives and Development Post-SAIL Judgment