Academic Science Publications and Distributions

Journal of Business Management 

ISSN: 0975-5823

Vol. 3 No. 1 (June, 2017)

1.      Basel III: Countercyclical capital buffer proposal – the case of Latvia
Author: Brasliņš, Ģ., Arefjevs, I.


2.      The problem of capital attraction into venture capital funds of Latvia
Author: Prohorovs, A.


3.      Early diagnostics of loan portfolio’s quality
Author: Beizitere, I.


4.      Realistic investment valuation: a comprehensive real options model
Author: Baduns, E.


5.      Bankruptcy prediction models: a comparative study of the Baltic listed companies
Author: Berzkalne, I., Zelgalve, E.


6.      Evaluation of cluster policy in Latvia
Author: Kulakova, N., Volkova, T.