Academic Science Publications and Distributions

Journal of Business Management 

ISSN: 0975-5823

Vol. 2 No. 2 (December, 2016)


1.       Financial leverage of commercial banks: the case of Baltic countries
Author: Kudinska, M.


2.       Composite financial index as a method to improve management at higher education institutions
Author: Mavlutova, I., Ziemele, A.


3.       The analysis of bank capital adequacy: the case of Latvia
Author: Kudinska, M., Konovalova, N.


4.       The impact of perceived service quality on student loyalty in higher education institutions
Author: Purgailis, M., Zaksa, K.


5.       Obstacles to university–industry cooperation in the domain of entrepreneurship
Author: Kozlinska, I.


6.       Obstacles to the perception of the traditional accounting cycle in the learning process
Author: Lamberg, E. 


7.       The socio-economic dimension of health in Romania
Author: Toplicianu, S., Mieilă, M., Toplicanu, V.


8.       Social entrepreneurship: diversity of theoretical concepts and practical applications in case of Latvia
Author: Pancenko, E., Ivanova, T., Jasjko, D.


9.       The assessment of opportunities and assumptions of the Croatian health tourism development
Author: Peršić, M., Jankovic, S.