International Journal of Ubiquitous Computing
Vol. 2 No. 2 (December, 2016)
1. Overlapping
Zone Partitioning Localisation Technique for RFID
Author: Kavi K. Khedo, Dassen Sathan, Roushdat Elaheebocus, Raja K. Subramanian
2. Modified
Queue-Based Exponential Rule Scheduler for Improved QOS in OFDMA Systems
Author: C.Kalyana Chakravarthy1 and P.V.G.D. Prasad Reddy
3. Fault
Tolerant Distributed and Fixed Hierarchical Mobile IP
Author: Paramesh C. Upadhyay, and Sudarshan Tiwari
4. Checkpointing
with Synchronized Clocks in Distributed Systems
Author: S. Neogy, A. Sinha and P. K. Das
5. Time
Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey
Author: Prakash Ranganathan and Kendall Nygard